COVID-19 : Für alle Veranstaltungen gelten die zu dem jeweiligen Zeitpunkt aktuellen Corona-Regeln.
Bleibt alle gesund!!
English Conversation
Vergangene Veranstaltungen
English Conversation
We are a group of people that like to passionately discuss a wide variety of topics that we pick as we meet. Hopefully we will be able to meet in person today. If the COVID-numbers are pointing upwards again we might switch to Skype meetings again, though
English Conversation (via Skype)
Due to the Covid-19 situation we will have a Skype meeting instead of an in-person meeting. In case you want to join us, please leave a note through our contact form. No subject set for this event – we are realizing that we NEVER have a problem finding things to discuss. Mostly we are saving
English Conversation (via Skype)
Due to the Covid-19 situation we will have a Skype meeting instead of an in-person meeting. In case you want to join us, please leave a note through our contact form. No subject set for this event – we are realizing that we NEVER have a problem finding things to discuss. Mostly we are saving