We started to stick our head out again, like some of the ZWAR „outdoor“ groups. We meet in a small group outside on the porch of a ZWAR-member’s house – keeping with the recommendations of our Corona-scientists. No subject set for this event – we are realizing that we NEVER have a problem finding things to discuss. Mostly we are saving the world …. and we often do not finish at the hour mentioned here. But we try.
English Conversation
Subject today: How do we cope with the heat?
English Conversation
Our subject is still open
English Conversation
our subject will be determined during the previous meeting.
English conversation
Our topic for today’s discussion will be picked at the beginning of our meeting. It happens quite often that we talk about current political developments, or sometimes a participant would report on their latest travels or we talk about something else on our mind that we like to share.
English conversation
There has not been a topic set yet, but we have a lot of topics in our back log that provide us with ample opportunities for yet another lively meeting.
English conversation
At this meeting we will discuss a topic we did not cover on our latest meeting. Some ZWAR members discovered very interesting activities of some influencial people and institutions concering longterm mega issues such as environmental issues, world population and how society and politics should brace for dramatic changes. We will discuss how we could support some of the issues on alocal level and acitivate us and others.
English Conversation
our topic has not been set yet, but we have quite a back log of ideas for our conversations that we will find an enjoyable topic in no time or at short notice.
English Conversation
We will continue discussing options to engage in activities related to solving our world’s mega problems like climate change.
Englisch Konversation
Today’s discussion will revolve around „What is art?“, but knowing us, we will probably end up discussing lots of other topics as well.