Hopefully in person at the library this time – that is, if the Covid-19 regulations will allow in-person-meetings at that time.
We will pick the topic of the day at the beginning of our meeting.
unabhängig – selbstorganisiert – voller Tatendrang
Hopefully in person at the library this time – that is, if the Covid-19 regulations will allow in-person-meetings at that time.
We will pick the topic of the day at the beginning of our meeting.
We started to stick our head out again, like some of the ZWAR „outdoor“ groups. We meet in a small group outside on the porch of a ZWAR-member’s house – keeping with the recommendations of our Corona-scientists. No subject set for this event – we are realizing that we NEVER have a problem finding things to discuss. Mostly we are saving the world …. and we often do not finish at the hour mentioned here. But we try.
We started to stick our head out again, like some of the ZWAR „outdoor“ groups. We meet in a small group outside on the porch of a ZWAR-member’s house – keeping with the recommendations of our Corona-scientists. No subject set for this event – we are realizing that we NEVER have a problem finding things to discuss. Mostly we are saving the world …. and we often do not finish at the hour mentioned here. But we try.
We will meet at our usual place for another lively conversation in English. No topic has been set yet. However, knowing us, we will certainly have more to discuss than time allows. Usually we talk about burning topics of general interest, that anybody can contribute to.
our subject will be determined during the previous meeting.
We will meet as usual at the usual place…. The topic will be decided shortly before we meet
our topic has not been set yet, but we have quite a back log of ideas for our conversations that we will find an enjoyable topic in no time or at short notice.
We will continue discussing options to engage in activities related to solving our world’s mega problems like climate change.
The second meeting for our English group this year. The topic is still open. However, knowing us we will certainly not run short of food for thought and conversation 🙂
We will talk about Europe and how we define it, what borders mean, how we see our European identity and questions associated with our views.
In preparation we will watch this recent broadcast by WDR5, where some opinions were shared on this subject (By the way, we can recommend this broadcast for other audiences as well. It is very captivating and offers numerous interesting perspectives on the subject)
„Europa ist keine geografische Größe“
In einem WDR 5 Spezial diskutiert die Politikwissenschaftlerin Ulrike Guérot mit den Schriftstellern Navid Kermani und Gila Lustiger über kulturelle Vielfalt und die europäische Identität. Schnell wird klar: Europa ist mehr als nur Ländergrenzen.